The Ministry issues and recognizes two levels of credentials: Ministerial License and Ordination Certificate.These credentials are in recognition of the Apostolic Ministry, as depicted in Ephesians 4:11.
The National Administrative Boards of the regions reserve the right in each case to require an interview with the applicant who wishes to join our team of ministers and then make a recommendation to the General Overseer on either of the two credentials.
All Ordinations and Consecrations of ministers would be conditioned on such individuals completing the required Ordination Preparatory Classes. And after the ordination, the newly ordained minister would have to sign in to the “Leadership Development Programs (LDP) for periodic training and specialization courses.
The presiding pastors of the local Assemblies through the leading of the Holy Spirit are to select and recommend candidates for Ordination Preparatory Classes and Specialized Training as may be needed to enlarge the capacity of the leadership team of their individual Assembly.
The General Overseer, in collaboration with the National Overseers, is responsible for the coordination of these programs.
Qualifications and Conditions of Ordination
The following are the conditions and qualifications of the ordination of the various categories of Ministers (Deacon/ness; Elder; Pastor) in this Ministry:
The individual must be a full member and studied (stayed) with the Ministry to a reasonable level.
The individual must agree with the fundamental doctrines of the Ministry and living a life that is worthy of emulation.
The individual must have understood, accepted, and willing to work with the Vision of the Ministry.
If married, all three levels of marriage rites must have been performed: customary, judiciary, and Holy matrimony (or Marriage blessing as the case may be).
The individual may have had the call of God and seeking to build his/her capacity to work for the Lord.
Other related conditions may be considered by the National Administrative Board and the Board may make a recommendation to the General Overseer.