Our MissionDiscover our commitment to serving others and spreading love through various missions and outreach programs that reflect our faith and values.
A Call for Help!The vision of this Ministry is towards all humanity. Therefore, the General Overseer (GO) and the members are committed to engaging in varieties of Christian Missions, which include support for spiritual growth and efforts to organize and support humanitarian activities for the needy in our local communities and anywhere in the world. We have set before ourselves the following objectives:
To be dynamic spiritual body empowered by the Holy Spirit to teach, baptize, disciple, and help believers realize their spiritual gifts and encourage them to use these gifts in the sharing of the gospel of Christ (Matthew 28:18-20; 1 Corinthians 12).
To challenge, to inspire and to empower Christian leaders, by delegating ministerial authority to them and place them in Ministry.
To organize and support humanitarian activities for the needy in our local communities and anywhere in the world.
To find the eligible children/students for Scholarships at any level of education.
To set up new Assemblies and Branches of this Ministry in other places within and outside the country(s).
To monitor those Assemblies of the Ministry, by seeing to their problems, assessing their progress, providing resources and recommending necessary strategies for growth.
To provide support for other smaller Churches/Christian Groups and Ministries in their effort to reach the unreached. Such groups could contact the General Overseer at acfi@acfiministries.org with their intentions, including affiliation proposal.
ACFI Mission in Europe and Worldwide
In the world today, there has been a sharp decline in the number of Christians, and
for one to say she/he is a Christian is not a big thing and, in most cases, will be
received with hostility since the world is being rapidly secularized. This has
resulted in significant resistance to the spread of the gospel in Europe, Africa, Asia,
and other continents, so much so that most ministries find it difficult to establish
churches and carry on with evangelism in many parts of the world. The truth
remains that Christianity is gradually declining today, particularly in Europe, a far
cry from what it used to be in the early Church, with great missionaries and
evangelists from Europe whom some say practically evangelized the world.
However, some ministries believe that notwithstanding the difficulties, Europe can
still be evangelized, and the Church be returned to its “glory days.” All Christians’
Fellowship International (ACFI) falls into this category. From its headquarters in
the U.S.A (Maryland) and branches in the United Kingdom (London, Hull City, and
Scotland), in Italy (Padova, Conegliano, and Bassano), uptight efforts are being
directed in this direction, and the Ministry has been training people towards the
This is an attempt to raise awareness among the public and the body of Christ,
particularly potential partners who the Lord may move to help support our efforts.
The mission of re-evangelizing Europe and the world goes beyond individual
ministry. All Christians’ Fellowship International Ministries relies on the generosity
of donors.
The Ministry is a tax-exempt, nonprofit organization. Cash gifts to us are taxdeductible, as provided by law. You will receive a receipt for your financial
donation at the end of the transaction. We now solicit the assistance of the entire
body of Christ in these endeavors. Thank you.
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