Sending money using PayPal is a great way to make donations. Setting up a PayPal account is easy and free. Simply follow these instructions to create your account:

•Visit the PayPal website at:

•Click on the tab that reads “New to PayPal? Sign up”

•Fill in your first and last name.

•Select your credit card type.

•Enter your credit card number, the expiration date, and your card security code.

•Enter your address, city, state, and ZIP code.

•Enter your telephone number and your email address.

•Enter and confirm your PayPal password.

•Enter the code shown in the box.

•Click the User Agreement and Privacy Policy links.

•Click Agree & Continue.

Once your account is set up, you can send money by following these steps:

•Log into your PayPal account.

•Click the Send Money tab.

•In the Send Money box, fill in the recipient’s email address or phone number.

•Enter the amount in U.S. Dollars.

•Select the appropriate payment type.

•Click Continue to review your payment details.

•Finally, click Send Money.